As this strange year draws to a close, our hearts at PTC turn to gratitude for all who so generously support our mission. Faith-based support for public education as a cornerstone of American democracy and God's Common Good has gained traction in Texas and throughout the nation because of partners like you:
Our 2500 congregational leaders, both lay and clergy, who believe in great public schools and work hard to support them
Our church and educational partners who support our work through action, prayer, and money
Our legislative friends, both Senate and House members, who work hard under trying circumstances to promote sound public education policy against forces who oppose it at every turn
Our trustees who serve so faithfully and tirelessly to advance our mission
Our pastoral leaders who courageously advocate for full funding of our public schools and stand clearly opposed to those who would privatize them through vouchers and unlimited charters
Our superintendents, principals, teachers, coaches, and staff who seek our pastoral counsel and prayer in their challenging work, particularly during a pandemic that poses such unprecedented stresses
Our generous donors whose consistent investments make our work possible
As I write this, I am finally recovering from a nasty bout with COVID. Four of our five PTC staff members have suffered this awful virus over the past several weeks. We thank you for your prayers, and pray you and your families will remain safe and healthy. And, above all, we wish you all a very merry Christmas and blessed New Year! Rev. Charles Foster Johnson, Executive Director Pastors for Texas Children
Protect School Funding Before the year is over, there is one more action item that requires the unified voice of all public school supporters, especially the faith community. Beginning January 1, the "hold harmless" funding structure for school districts ends. Because of the pandemic, this formula was extended from the usual start of the new school year to the entire first semester. It means that districts are given state funding based on previous years' attendance data, not the current data. This year, it has been essential to providing funding stability in a year when enrollment is down, attendance is lower, and some children are still unaccounted for. If the state removes the hold harmless when we return from the holidays, districts will face severe funding shortages at a most critical point. To easily contact your legislators about this, click here. To read more about the issue, click here. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
ACTION ALERTS Our partners at Raise Your Hand Texas are sending out action alerts about this. To sign up for Raise Your Hand Texas legislative action alerts, just text RAISEMYHAND to 40649.