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PTC Anti Voucher Talking Points

  • Vouchers provide a direct payment from the State (comptroller) to private non-profit organizations – Direct payments from the public trust to private entities – even for redistribution to taxpayers – qualifies as a voucher. The state legislature has repudiated these schemes for over 25 years. If a $6500 voucher was granted to 10% of Texas public school students (like in Florida) it would cost $3.5 billion. 


  • No accountability for voucher tax dollars – Private schools would not be required to meet state curriculum requirements or maintain the same fiscal accountability as public schools. Texans overwhelmingly believe that schools that receive tax dollars should be accountable for how they are spent, but the schools that receive vouchers would not be accountable to taxpayers. 


  • Subsidizes the wealthy at the expense of others that can’t afford it - Voucher schemes are inherently designed to be used by those who generate enough income to “need” a tax break. Economically disadvantaged parents would not be able to use a voucher unless they could afford pay the difference between the voucher check and the actual tuition, in addition to the cost of transportation. Other taxpayers would pay the price for vouchers that would primarily benefit those who could afford expensive private schools. 


  • Students with disabilities give up their rights – Under voucher schemes, “students with a disability attending an eligible nonpublic school may not receive the services a student with a disability attending a public school is entitled to receive under federal and state law”. This results in a loss of federal and state protections for these students that have been put in place to ensure that they receive a quality education.


  • Violates the separation of church and state – Vouchers provide monies that can be used in any private or religious school. According to recent SCOTUS rulings, states that provide a voucher program must make those vouchers available to private religious schools. Taxpayer funds used for religious content or services violates the establishment clause of the first amendment and tramples the separation of church and state. 

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